type__error’s avatartype__error’s Twitter Archive

13,950 tweets

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⬅️ New ⬆️ 🙂
⬇️ 🙁
  1. I will not participate on Twitter while D*nald Tr*mp has an active account. #VoteWithYourTweet Use your voice. Join us on votewithyourtweet.com/
    OpenGraph image for votewithyourtweet.com/
  2. Had enough now. Find me on mastodon: @type_error@indieweb.social Or on my website/rss: localghost.dev Thanks for everything Twitter friends, it has truly been a pleasure and I owe you all a great deal 💜
  3. But if Twitter goes down where do I go to complain that my mastodon server is down
  4. In the death throes of bird site, here’s the tweet that inspired my domain type__error/1023867097682722816
  5. If I’m gonna do this mastodon thing what servers are people doing
  6. Downloading my data just in case. It’s sad to think we might lose this platform - I’ve made so many friends and I’m grateful for the platform I’ve had. Not sure if I’ll get on the mastodon train, but you can always find me at localghost.dev - subscribe to my RSS feed!
  7. Joe Lycett has a very important message for David Beckham about his involvement with Qatar 🌈🏳️‍🌈 joelycett/1591767179707432960
  8. While we're riding the post-ffconf nostalgia wave, I've written up my State of the Browser 2022 talk, where I rebuilt some classic 90s/00s web features in modern HTML, CSS and JS! localghost.dev/blog/building-a-website-like-it-s-1999-in-2022/
    OpenGraph image for localghost.dev/blog/building-a-website-like-it-s-1999-in-2022/
  9. Imagine charging £699 for a conference and not paying your speakers
  10. My heart is full of warm fuzzies and love for the frontend community after a brilliant #ffconf. I made some new friends, saw lots of old ones, and watched some amazing talks. It was a privilege to be a part of its return 💜
  11. So not only did rem give all the #ffconf speakers a refurbished game boy, he wrote an ACTUAL GAME featuring all the speakers. It’s set in the Duke of Yorks Picturehouse, and I’m especially tickled as I’m employee of the month and I actually worked for Picturehouse for 6 years 😂
  12. Clapception #ffconf
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  13. Not ready for #ffconf to be over ;_;
  14. Getting some really lovely feedback from #ffconf attendees about my talk about personal websites - going to thread some resources and links!
  15. I usually tweet my way through conferences but I’ve just been watching and absorbing the other #ffconf talks today, and what a day it’s been so far! No idea how I’m going to make it through the after party though 😴


  1. localghost: 127.0.0.o.o.o.O.O.o.o.0.1
  2. I keep hearing junior devs/learners saying that they're crap at coding because they have to Google stuff all the time. So I wrote down everything I googled in a week to prove that you can be an experienced engineer and still Google all the damn time. localghost.dev/2019/09/everything-i-googled-in-a-week-as-a-professional-software-engineer/
    OpenGraph image for localghost.dev/2019/09/everything-i-googled-in-a-week-as-a-professional-software-engineer/
  3. Rule #1: always colour match your IDE.
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their APIoh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  4. People who have spoken at tech conferences: what's one thing you wish you'd known before your first talk? (RT for reach please?)
  5. I recently learned about the vscode-pets extension, you are welcome
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  6. …in reply to @type__error
    "Boy is 0x0 and Girl is 0x1. That means there must be 254 other hidden genders..." quarterto shows us how they ended up accidentally setting their character's gender to "clipboard" QueerJS
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API

I’ve retweeted other tweets 2,137 times (15.3%)

Most Retweeted

  1. elibelly 32 retweets
  2. monzo 27 retweets
  3. cassiecodes 20 retweets
  4. SHEChoirLDN 16 retweets
  5. sarah_edo 13 retweets
  6. freezydorito 13 retweets
  7. cookywook 12 retweets
  8. type__error 11 retweets
  9. ReactJSgirls 11 retweets
  10. ScribblingOn 11 retweets

Most Retweeted (Last 12 months)

  1. elibelly 8 retweets
  2. cassiecodes 6 retweets
  3. webstandards 5 retweets
  4. UXLondon 5 retweets
  5. incident_io 5 retweets
  6. CarolSaysThings 4 retweets
  7. type__error 4 retweets
  8. ffconf 4 retweets
  9. dylanbeattie 3 retweets
  10. skillsmatter 3 retweets

Replies and Mentions

57.5% of my tweets are replies (×8,019)

Most Replies To

  1. deer_ful 228 replies
  2. elibelly 164 replies
  3. cassiecodes 109 replies
  4. tlakomy 102 replies
  5. piccalilli_ 100 replies

Most Replies To (Last 12 months)

  1. cassiecodes 34 replies
  2. katie_fenn 31 replies
  3. DavidDarnes 29 replies
  4. piccalilli_ 27 replies
  5. keinegurke_ 25 replies

I’ve sent someone a mention 241 times (1.7%)

72.9% of the links I’ve posted are using the https: protocol (1,180 of 1,618)

78.4% of the links I’ve posted in the last 12 months are using the https: protocol (181 of 231)

Top Domains

  1. twitter.com 614 tweets
  2. instagram.com 82 tweets
  3. youtube.com 44 tweets
  4. localghost.dev 43 tweets
  5. wp.me 37 tweets
  6. youtu.be 36 tweets
  7. medium.com 28 tweets
  8. monzo.com 25 tweets
  9. github.com 21 tweets
  10. theguardian.com 18 tweets

Top Hosts

  1. twitter.com 614 tweets
  2. instagram.com 61 tweets
  3. localghost.dev 43 tweets
  4. www.youtube.com 43 tweets
  5. wp.me 37 tweets
  6. youtu.be 36 tweets
  7. medium.com 27 tweets
  8. monzo.com 24 tweets
  9. www.instagram.com 21 tweets
  10. www.theguardian.com 18 tweets

My tweets have been given about ♻️ 14,994 retweets and ❤️ 146,361 likes

Top 5 Emoji Used in Tweets

  1. 💜 used 292 times on 191 tweets
  2. 😭 used 152 times on 115 tweets
  3. 😍 used 132 times on 104 tweets
  4. 🙌 used 125 times on 79 tweets
  5. 😂 used 123 times on 114 tweets

265 unique emoji on 1,671 tweets (14.1% of all tweets***)

Top 5 Hashtags

  1. jsconfeu used 43 times
  2. halfstackconf used 35 times
  3. leaddevlondon used 31 times
  4. reactjsgirls used 29 times
  5. ffconf used 27 times

540 hashtags on 540 tweets (4.6% of all tweets***)

Top 5 Swear Words

  1. s_it used 66 times on 64 tweets
  2. f_ck used 23 times
  3. h_ll used 21 times
  4. d_mn used 18 times
  5. f_cking used 12 times

182 swear words on 180 tweets (1.5% of all tweets***)

***: does not include retweets