type__error’s avatartype__error’s Twitter Archive

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  1. localghost: 127.0.0.o.o.o.O.O.o.o.0.1
  2. I keep hearing junior devs/learners saying that they're crap at coding because they have to Google stuff all the time. So I wrote down everything I googled in a week to prove that you can be an experienced engineer and still Google all the damn time. localghost.dev/2019/09/everything-i-googled-in-a-week-as-a-professional-software-engineer/
    OpenGraph image for localghost.dev/2019/09/everything-i-googled-in-a-week-as-a-professional-software-engineer/
  3. Rule #1: always colour match your IDE.
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their APIoh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  4. People who have spoken at tech conferences: what's one thing you wish you'd known before your first talk? (RT for reach please?)
  5. I recently learned about the vscode-pets extension, you are welcome
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  6. …in reply to @type__error
    "Boy is 0x0 and Girl is 0x1. That means there must be 254 other hidden genders..." quarterto shows us how they ended up accidentally setting their character's gender to "clipboard" QueerJS
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  7. Prepare to be disturbed userinyerface.com/
    OpenGraph image for userinyerface.com/
  8. if your unsubscribe link takes me to a login page, you deserve to step on lego for the rest of your life
  9. fucking CORS, I swear to god
  10. We’re hiring engineers at monzo. I want to bust a common myth about the interview process: we don’t grill you about tricky algorithms or expect you to do whiteboard code. We want you to succeed (and have a nice chat).
  11. When you go to the party but you’re on call
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  12. What do you call a pickup line from a software developer? A pull request.
  13. A great tip for building custom select components: don't do it
  14. The definition of optimism is running npm install on train wifi
  15. TIL gov.uk has a JSON API for UK Bank Holidays, including whether or not bunting is appropriate for each holiday gov.uk/bank-holidays.json
    OpenGraph image for gov.uk/bank-holidays.json
  16. This has all the vibes of a “worst UX you can come up with” challenge but it’s REAL
  17. I'm at the "border: 1px solid red" stage of debugging CSS
  18. Had my leaving drinks last night. My colleagues gave me a framed photo of every emoji I added to the Monzo slack 🥲
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  19. 👀
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API