type__error’s avatartype__error’s Twitter Archive—№ 3,121

          1. It's my last couple of days in my current team and what a time it's been. I learned React, worked in an 80% female dev team with some really incredible people and have emerged the other end as a confident, more experienced developer.
        1. …in reply to @type__error
          The people I worked with really knew how to develop people as well as software! Such an underrated skill and one I will definitely be taking with me.
      1. …in reply to @type__error
        Another important lesson: failure is an opportunity for improvement (and not a death knell). I made a mistake on the production system and instead of being hung out to dry, we just turned it into an opportunity to make sure it couldn't happen again.
    1. …in reply to @type__error
      I've also made friends I hope I will keep for a long time. And not just because some of them have dogs.
  1. …in reply to @type__error
    tl;dr the people you work with and the environment you foster in your team are just as important as the product you're building so make sure you take the time to develop those things as well.