So sainsburys and nectar merged their systems, and now you log into your Nectar account with your Sainos account. Only I had a different email on both accounts. I’ve been locked out of the app for months because they just can’t figure it out.
…in reply to @type__error
Logging in to Nectar with the Sainsburys login says “that’s the wrong email for this card number”. Logging in with the Nectar email results in a generic “wrong email or password” error.
…in reply to @type__error
I’ve changed my email on the account. I’ve reinstalled it. I’ve spoken to support and even had the case passed onto engineers, who sent an email saying “we’ll fix this within 28 days” and no way to contact them back. That was June…
…in reply to @type__error
So I’m still locked out of my Nectar account, even though I get notifications. I can’t log in to turn them off 🙄 You’d think they’d find a way to match up accounts with different emails, I can’t be the only one?!