type__error’s avatartype__error’s Twitter Archive—№ 12,711

    1. …in reply to @LarsEjaas
      LarsEjaas css Hard to explain fully in 280 ch but no need to fudge font size to be 10px with rem (default 16px which divides nicely into 2s). You don’t need to worry about exact pixel values with calcs based on vw/vh units: piccalil.li/quick-tip/use-css-clamp-to-create-a-more-flexible-wrapper-utility/
      OpenGraph image for piccalil.li/quick-tip/use-css-clamp-to-create-a-more-flexible-wrapper-utility/
  1. …in reply to @type__error
    LarsEjaas css This example isn’t infallible as you still use rem here but I guess my argument is: why do you need everything in 10 or 5px increments