type__error’s avatartype__error’s Twitter Archive—№ 12,581

    1. I'm off work until the end of the month. It was originally just going to be a few days off, but after I cried at my manager during our last 1:1 he suggested I might need a bit longer. Turns out burnout doesn't just happen to other people. localghost.dev/blog/burnout-a-cautionary-tale-and-a-plea-to-take-a-break/
      OpenGraph image for localghost.dev/blog/burnout-a-cautionary-tale-and-a-plea-to-take-a-break/
  1. …in reply to @type__error
    This isn’t a sympathy post, it’s a transparency post. I talk about it so that others do the same and we don’t continue to hold ourselves to unrealistic standards at work after a literal pandemic.